House Of Turton
I’m Lindsey, owner and creator of H.O.T
When I was younger I was addicted to fast fashion. I found myself falling into the trap of purchasing seasonal trending clothing, to the point whereby the time I wore the garment, it was old news and out of date! I started to buy second hand statement pieces , that I wouldn’t normally be able to afford at full price, allowing me to wear high quality garments on a modest budget, then enjoying the buzz of onselling and being able to chase down my next, pre-loved statement piece. At the young age of 17, I began on-selling from my little rental , my pre loved purchases to friends and it felt good.
Following the birth of my three daughters my shopping habits changed with the focus being off myself for a few years. When they became of age, I returned to a corporate role and my addiction to fashion unfortunately crept in and took over once again. On every overseas trip, i would purchase far too many bags, shoes and clothes which meant I very rarely wore the same outfit twice! I was hoarding and surrounding myself with an unnecessary, excessive amount of clothes.
Finally, a house move provided the realisation I needed and highlighted the ‘shopaholic’ I had become, but thankfully my inner 17 year old self knew exactly what we needed to do!
In 2020, I created a sale page and once again, started feeling the satisfaction of on-selling my pre-loved items and felt an overwhelming response from the difference I was making. My Mission : To re home, good branded new and pre loved clothing at affordable prices was alive once again!
With 30 plus years of fashion experience accompanied by my individual style and creative flair, in 2022 I’m proud to have established House of Turton and take absolute pleasure in every piece I on-sell, appreciating the importance of ‘quality over quantity’. Today, it doesn’t have to be expensive to look and feel good.
Lindsey Turton
CEO House of Turton
"Highly recommend House of Turton to anyone who wants stylish, quality and affordable pieces in their wardrobe"
" Purchasing from House of Turton from start to finish is a real joy. The pieces of clothing in my wardrobe are beyond anything I could actually afford."
"The items are all of high quality and are reasonably priced. All items are unique and make me feel a million dollars. "

Here i am styling one of my favourite New Zealand brands Trelise Cooper. This is the Sway with Me Jacket from the Pin Up Perfect suiting collection. Paired with a vintage Guess Clutch I have owned for 25+ years.
"I purchase every item for myself and would never onsell a product that I would not be proud to wear."